
frase da noite

(...) " A Maçonaria Moderna é o discurso do f**** da p*** ... e não pode ser apenas uma congregação de primos afastados discutindo heranças! " (...)

Luís Filipe Sarmento, na apresentação do seu romance "Crónica da Vida Social dos Ocultistas"


final de tarde azul rosáceo

Felicidade é...

... ir visitar pela primeiríssima vez

... e ter todas as salas sómente para mim

... para testar a meu bel prazer

... porque era dia de discursos e champagne.

And so we meet again - you're looking swell Sir!


fragance estivale

fraîcheur sous le soleil

simply put

Risk Taker, High Energy, Optimistic, Seeks Predictability

You take risks in love and you charge out into the world. However, you like to know a great deal about who you are with and what this relationship is all about. You are the kind of person who knows your strengths and you know what you like in another person.

Once you know you are on firm, familiar and worthy ground, you will take on a tough project, or go after a romantic relationship with a lot of enthusiasm and a strong belief that you can make things work. But you usually feel this way only if you are with the kind of people you have liked/loved in the past, or it's the kind of situation you understand because you have done something like it before.

In general, you like dating the same kind of person (same class, a certain look, similar goals and values) than someone exotic to you because (in love) you take your risks elsewhere.



Desfile dos Tabuleiros em Tomar
(clique na foto)

O Tejo visto da Marginal
(clique na foto)

Mondego - vista enquanto almoçava
(clique na foto)

Praia da Vagueira
(clique na foto)

O Atlântico a perder de vista pela porta de entrada
(clique na foto)


Thinking Alike, Walking Along


20 March 2003 (revisited)

(...) " I have heard of military operations that were clumsy but swift, but I have never seen one that was skillful and lasted a long time. It is never beneficial to a nation to have a military operation continue for a long time." (...)

Sun Tzu, "The Art Of War - Complete Texts and Commentaries"



Cumprindo Honrarias