The children of Guantanamo Bay:
"More than 60 of the detainees were under 18 at the time of their capture, some as young as 14".
Diário de Bordo e do Estado de Espírito
A Base Aérea no. 1 em Sintra, a mais antiga das bases da Força Aérea, celebrou ontem o seu 86º aniversário e serviu de palco ao mediático reaparecimento dos " ASAS DE PORTUGAL " - a maior patrulha acrobática militar portuguesa.
Também a partir desta BA pilotei com muito orgulho um dos T37-C que lhe deram corpo e alma:
Formada agora por apenas dois caças Alpha Jet,
Cruz da Ordem de Cristo
Insígnia da Força Aérea Portuguesa
Labels: silly tests?
The UN promised to put safeguards in place after sexual abuse in the refugee camps of West Africa was first revealed four years ago.
"The most disturbing thing about the Hollywood adaptation of Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code is its musical score and sound effects, according to the British Board of Film Classification (BBFC).
Opus Dei, a conservative Catholic group with 86,000 members worldwide, has also arranged special information evenings in London for the public and has asked Sony Pictures, which produced the new film, to include a caption explaining the film is fiction. Sony has previously declined to reveal whether the film would carry such a disclaimer.